Can my iPhone be Repaired?

It’s becoming more and more common knowledge that iPhone Screens can be quickly repaired, but what if your iPhone has more damaged than a simple cracked screen?

What most people are unaware of is that virtually anything on an iPhone can be repaired/replaced. Even if your iPhone has been run over by a car, it is possible to be repaired back to a brand new looking iPhone, for less than buying a new one.

If you have an older iPhone and it is not performing well, such things as the battery, charging dock, speakers etc. can be easily replaced at an iPhone Repair Shop. The repair costs should all be around or less than $100 and shouldn’t take more than an hour for the repair to be completed.

If your iPhone has suddenly stopped working, and you have not damaged it, you may have a software problem. If this is the case, you may be able to fix this software problem yourself. We would suggest wiping all the data off your iPhone and resetting it back to a “New iPhone”.  Once you have done this, test the iPhone to make sure the software problem has gone away. Sometimes an app can be responsible for causing a software problem. We advice adding your apps back one at a time and keeping an eye on the phone. This will help you identify which app may be causing you a problem.

If your iPhone has been exposed to water damage, we suggest you DO NOT putting your phone in rice. Putting your iPhone in rice may cause the water to dry and corrode the circuits of your phone. Cell Phone Repair Stores have a better chance of saving your iPhone if it is still wet, so the sooner you can bring it for the repair the better. Every repair store is different, but at Cell Clinic Vancouver, we do not charge anything to diagnosis your iPhone. We also do not charge anything if we do not fix your iPhone.

If you are unsure if your iPhone can be fixed just contact any iPhone repair store and ask. The answer is almost always yes in the case of the Apple iPhone. Make sure you take your iPhone to a repair store which provides a “no fix no fee” and offers a warranty on their work.

Can my iPhone be Repaired?

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