How does a touch screen actually work

Touchscreens have becoming increasing common in mobile devices, laptops and pretty much every other type of recent technology. But how do they exactly work?

There are 2 basic types of touchscreen (capacitive or resistive). Most cellphone use capacitive touchscreens, as this type accepts multiple touches and responds very quickly. The downfall of these capacitive touchscreen is that they can only be activated by conducting objects, example your fingers. Resistance touchscreens are more durable, can be weatherproof, and are more commonly used with GPS devices. Since we are a cell phone repair company, we only work with capacitive touchscreens.

Today’s smartphones and cellphone screens are made from high strength glass. You have have heard of the term “gorilla glass” in the past. This is a type of chemically tempered glass, which is produced, to stand up against dropping your phone. Although it is still very possible to break your cell phone screen, gorilla glass makes the chances of it breaking a lot less likely. The reason the glass still can break is that the glass is manufactured to less than 1mm to reduce the phones size and weight.

The touch sensors on today’s smartphones are all underneath the glass itself, through capacitive measurements. Capacitance is described as the ability to hold a charge. Your phone screen sense your finger because your finger has the “ability to hold charge”. The device has an electrical grid embedded in its display, allowing it to know exactly where you have touched. This information is transferred quickly back to the phones motherboard to process.

cell phone touch screen

How does a touch screen actually work

Study warns of using rice to dry out a water damaged cell phone

A Study released by Tek Dry provides information that may put to rest the old myth that placing a wet cell phone in rice can revive the cell phone.

 The study was performed by DTJ, and aimed to uncover if the common belief that putting a wet cell phone in a sealed container of rice could actually remove the water from the device.

 The results of this experiment found that “although rice can effectively remove some moister from a water damaged cell phone, it will not remove the water entirely from the device”

 The study also found the only way to deal with a water damaged cell phone properly, is to have its components cleaned professionally. This should prevent any problems in the future and provide the greatest change of saving your water damaged cell phone. The optimal time to seek professional phone repair assistance is within 2 days of submerging your cellphone in water. This can prevent the water from corroding the cell phones circuits, causing the phone to malfunction.

Below are some tips if to help you deal with a water damaged cell phone.

  • If exposed to water, do NOT turn on or charge your cell phone (this can short out the electronic components of your device)

  • Remove the cell phone’s battery if possible.  This can help separate the electricity and prevent your cell phone from short-circuiting.

  • If dropped in the ocean, rise entirely with clean water. If salt water is left to dry it will corrode and completely damage your cell phone.

  • If possible, contact a cell phone repair store within 2 days of exposing it to water. There, professionals will be able to properly clean the device and prevent water from damaging the cell phone’s components

water damage phone repair vancouver

Study warns of using rice to dry out a water damaged cell phone