Review of the iPhone 6

Apples new iPhone 6 has arrived, and along with getting everyone talking, it has produced record-breaking sales. Cell Clinic Vancouver has set out to answer the question is the iPhone 6 the best smartphone on the market, and is it much of an improvement over its predecessor, the iPhone 5S.


Apple has included a few new features unique to the iPhone 6. With this new device, Apple is introducing “Apple Pay”. Although Apple Pay is not yet available in Canada, it does appear like this will be a very popular feature and could change the way be pay for everyday things.  Apple has also made some major upgrades to their IOS, but you wont need the new iPhone 6 to take advantage of these features.


With the new iPhone 6 comes a new screen size. At 4.7 inches this screen is slightly larger than the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S, yet it still fits comfortably in your hand. The power button has been relocated to the side of the device, making it easier to operate with the larger screen size. The iPhone 6 also features touch ID and a lightning charging ports, as featured on the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S. Overall the design changes in comparison to the iPhone 5 and 5S are noticeable and an overall improvement, but nonetheless minimal.


The iPhone is typically known for having one of the best cameras in the smartphone market, and the new iPhone 6 is no exception. The iPhone 6 features an 8MP camera that creates some very impressive photographs. The iPhone 6 can also shoot 240fps slow-motion video. This camera is a significant improvement from the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S camera.


Many of you are wondering if with all this hype should you run out an upgrade to the new iPhone 6 from your iPhone 5 or 5S. In our opinion, this is the best smartphone on the market. But in saying this, although the iPhone 6 is an incredible device, and an improvement on its predecessors, it’s not enough to scrap the iPhone 5 or 5S and get this new device.  If you are an Apple user and are currently using an iPhone 4 or iPhone 4S, this may be the time for you to upgrade. The larger screen on the iPhone 6 is very tempting, and moving from a 4 to a 6 you will notice a huge upgrade in overall operating speed and functionally.

Review of the iPhone 6

Review of the LG Nexus 5

The Google LG Nexus 5 is considered to be one of the top smartphones in the market at the moment. It comes loading with top specs, at a extremely reasonable price.  We wanted to provide you of a review on the LG Nexus 5 to see if it is the right cell phone for you.

LG Nexus 5 Features

The Nexus 5 currently operates on the most recent version of the Google’s Android KitKat 4.4. New features include smart dialler search and screen recording as well as an improved version of Google Now. It also has all the typical wireless connectivity features, as well all standard Android features from previous models.

LG Nexus 5 Design

The new design on the Nexus 5 manages to give the device a little more of a premium feel to it, apposed to the previous versions of the Nexus. This phone does take up your entire hand, but still manages to fit nicely. The back is a soft but sturdy and has a nice finish.

LG Nexus 5 Camera

The Nexus 5 has an impressive 8.0 megapixel back facing camera with a full optical stabilization and HDR+. The operation of this camera is one of the fastest we have seen. Outside shots produced high quality photos on the Nexus 5, as well as indoor shots are crisp and sharp. The camera is equipped with full 1080p and overall we were quite impressed with the videos on this mobile device.

LG Nexus Display

The screen on the Nexus 5 is a 4.95 inch IPS LCD. It is equipped with 1920 x 1080 pixels of resolution as well as a 445 ppi screen density. When comparing the overall screen quality to the iPhone 5S or Samsung Galaxy S4, the Nexus is not the clear winner, but is a close runner up. Saying that, the nexus still has an impressive and when comparing price vs. quality, the Nexus 5 is the clear winner.

Nexus 5 Performance

The Nexus 5 runs on a 2.26GHz Snapdragon 800. The performance of this device is very impressive. The Nexus 5 gets you through every task quickly and easily. Moving around apps, texting, and even heavy gaming is no chance for this mobile phone. The Nexus 5 allows hands free calling with its dual speakers, and the 2,300 mAh battery should last you a full day with normal use.

Overall Review of Nexus 5

Did we find the Nexus 5 to be the best cell phone currently on the market? Defiantly not, but for the price of an unlocked device at $349 is might just be the best phone on the market for its price. If you looking for a great smartphone that will do most everything you need and not cost you a fortune, we would defiantly recommend the LG Nexus 5.

LG Nexus 5 Vancouver

Review of the LG Nexus 5