Is the iPhone 6 plus too big

It may be time to upgrade your old iPhone and you may be wondering… iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 plus? The decision can be a hard one to make. Both have a bigger screen then that of their predecessors, but the real question most people are asking is “is the iPhone 6 plus too big”.

If your coming from an iPhone 4 or iPhone 4S the screen size difference on these new devices is substantial! The iPhone 6 screen size is 4.7 in. while the iPhone 6 plus is a massive 5.5 in. This is compared to the 3.5 in size of the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4s.

One of the perks of working at cell phone repair store in Vancouver is the ability to try out all latest and greatest phones. The first week I spent with the iPhone 6 I noticed one important thing. This phone is the perfect size! It’s just small enough to grip with 1 hand and still allows you to slide it in and out of your front pocket. It is also large enough to watch movies, play games or whatever else you need to do with it. The repositioned lock button made the iPhone 6 comfortable to hold with 1 hand and operate, and its “double tap home button” feature made everything in thumbs reach. All in this iPhone phone seemed perfect to me in all aspects.

Next I spend a week with the iPhone 6 Plus. Right away I was blown away with the size of this mammoth phone. The same feeling I got moving from the iPhone 4s to the iPhone 6, I got with moving from the 6 to the 6 Plus. No joke, this cell phone is huge! The resolution on this device was superb and every day tasks seemed more exciting. But all that excitement soon started to diminish when the downfalls of the iPhone 6 Plus started to kick in.

My biggest problem with the screen size of the iPhone 6 plus was how much I struggled to use it with one hand. The simple things you take for granted like walking your dog and answering the phone or carrying anything and using your phone went out the window for me. I soon began to realize that this is a 2 handed device and that was that. Once I made this adjustment, the iPhone 6 plus became more enjoyable for me, but I still wanted my iPhone 6 back.

After a week of experimenting with iPhone 6 plus I came to a few conclusions. For me, this device was much too big. As a male, I needed a place to put my phone when I wasn’t using it, and this proved rather difficult. The phone did not fit comfortably in any of my pants pockets, and even if it did, it would look a little awkward. If you are a female this device may work well for you if you keep it in your bag most of the time. Storage problems aside, I still found the size of this screen just a little bit unnecessary. My recommendation to you is to is (if you can) try out the iPhone 6 plus out for a few days before you buy it. You may find it’s just a bit too big for you as I found.

iPhone 6 plus too big

Is the iPhone 6 plus too big

3 Pranks to play on someone with an iPhone

Just in time for April Fools here are a few pranks you can play on someone with an iPhone.

1. Auto correct prank

On someone else iPhone

 1. Go into the Settings > General > Keyboards > New Shortcut

 2. Change any word you please to become a new word

 (Example change the word “no” to the word” Pecan Pie”.

 Whenever they type the word “no” the word pecan pie will appear.

2. Frozen iPhone Screen

On someone else’s iPhone

 1. From their home screen, press the power button plus the home button at the exact same time. This will take a screen shot of their background.

2. Move all their home screen applications to another page (by pressing the app until it starts moving around).

3. Go into their Settings > Wall paper > And Choose a new Wall paper. Upload the screen shot you took earlier.

Whenever they go to click on their apps, absolutely nothing will happen

3. The App Trap

 On someone else’s iPhone

1. Go into their Settings > General > Then Click Accessibility.

2. Turn their “guided access” on

3. Then open any app (maybe one they don’t use much)

4. Then press down the home button three times

5. Finally, enter a password

They will then be trapped inside this App unless they know the password.

3 Pranks to play on someone with an iPhone

Will Apple ever use a Sapphire Screen for the iPhone

Recently there has been lots of talk about sapphire glass, and how it is could produce an unbreakable iPhone screen.

In 2013 Apple spend nearly $600 Million dollars investing in a company that produces this sapphire glass.  Everyone hoped to see this new sapphire glass on the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6+, but that did not happen.

You may be asking, why would Apple spend that amount of money and not fit their new line of iPhones with the sapphire glass screens. Your guess is as good as ours, but we have 3 ideas why we think they haven’t yet included sapphire screens on the iPhone.

When thin, sapphire glass is not strong

Currently sapphire glass is used to produce such things as barcode scanners and high-end watches. It’s the thickness of the glass that gives sapphire glass its “unbreakable” qualities. Currently iPhone screen glass is extremely thin and if fitted with sapphire glass, it would be more breakable than the current gorilla glass that is used with the iPhone.

Sapphire glass is Heavy

When compared to Gorilla Glass (the current glass used for the iPhone), sapphire glass is 60% heavier. In a day an age where phones are getting thinner a lighter, it doesn’t make much sense to switch to a thicker heavier glass.

It is expensive

Sapphire glass is much more expensive than the glass used on todays smartphones. It is estimated that sapphire cost 10 times the amount than the current iPhone Gorilla Glass.

We may never see a day in which sapphire glass is used on a cellphone touchscreen. We do think that Apple invested in sapphire to use on their upcoming “Apple Watch”. Using sapphire glass on the Apple watch would be a much better use fix for this type of glass technology.

Sapphire glass apple iPhone

Will Apple ever use a Sapphire Screen for the iPhone

Review of the iPhone 6

Apples new iPhone 6 has arrived, and along with getting everyone talking, it has produced record-breaking sales. Cell Clinic Vancouver has set out to answer the question is the iPhone 6 the best smartphone on the market, and is it much of an improvement over its predecessor, the iPhone 5S.


Apple has included a few new features unique to the iPhone 6. With this new device, Apple is introducing “Apple Pay”. Although Apple Pay is not yet available in Canada, it does appear like this will be a very popular feature and could change the way be pay for everyday things.  Apple has also made some major upgrades to their IOS, but you wont need the new iPhone 6 to take advantage of these features.


With the new iPhone 6 comes a new screen size. At 4.7 inches this screen is slightly larger than the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S, yet it still fits comfortably in your hand. The power button has been relocated to the side of the device, making it easier to operate with the larger screen size. The iPhone 6 also features touch ID and a lightning charging ports, as featured on the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S. Overall the design changes in comparison to the iPhone 5 and 5S are noticeable and an overall improvement, but nonetheless minimal.


The iPhone is typically known for having one of the best cameras in the smartphone market, and the new iPhone 6 is no exception. The iPhone 6 features an 8MP camera that creates some very impressive photographs. The iPhone 6 can also shoot 240fps slow-motion video. This camera is a significant improvement from the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S camera.


Many of you are wondering if with all this hype should you run out an upgrade to the new iPhone 6 from your iPhone 5 or 5S. In our opinion, this is the best smartphone on the market. But in saying this, although the iPhone 6 is an incredible device, and an improvement on its predecessors, it’s not enough to scrap the iPhone 5 or 5S and get this new device.  If you are an Apple user and are currently using an iPhone 4 or iPhone 4S, this may be the time for you to upgrade. The larger screen on the iPhone 6 is very tempting, and moving from a 4 to a 6 you will notice a huge upgrade in overall operating speed and functionally.

Review of the iPhone 6

Review of the LG Nexus 5

The Google LG Nexus 5 is considered to be one of the top smartphones in the market at the moment. It comes loading with top specs, at a extremely reasonable price.  We wanted to provide you of a review on the LG Nexus 5 to see if it is the right cell phone for you.

LG Nexus 5 Features

The Nexus 5 currently operates on the most recent version of the Google’s Android KitKat 4.4. New features include smart dialler search and screen recording as well as an improved version of Google Now. It also has all the typical wireless connectivity features, as well all standard Android features from previous models.

LG Nexus 5 Design

The new design on the Nexus 5 manages to give the device a little more of a premium feel to it, apposed to the previous versions of the Nexus. This phone does take up your entire hand, but still manages to fit nicely. The back is a soft but sturdy and has a nice finish.

LG Nexus 5 Camera

The Nexus 5 has an impressive 8.0 megapixel back facing camera with a full optical stabilization and HDR+. The operation of this camera is one of the fastest we have seen. Outside shots produced high quality photos on the Nexus 5, as well as indoor shots are crisp and sharp. The camera is equipped with full 1080p and overall we were quite impressed with the videos on this mobile device.

LG Nexus Display

The screen on the Nexus 5 is a 4.95 inch IPS LCD. It is equipped with 1920 x 1080 pixels of resolution as well as a 445 ppi screen density. When comparing the overall screen quality to the iPhone 5S or Samsung Galaxy S4, the Nexus is not the clear winner, but is a close runner up. Saying that, the nexus still has an impressive and when comparing price vs. quality, the Nexus 5 is the clear winner.

Nexus 5 Performance

The Nexus 5 runs on a 2.26GHz Snapdragon 800. The performance of this device is very impressive. The Nexus 5 gets you through every task quickly and easily. Moving around apps, texting, and even heavy gaming is no chance for this mobile phone. The Nexus 5 allows hands free calling with its dual speakers, and the 2,300 mAh battery should last you a full day with normal use.

Overall Review of Nexus 5

Did we find the Nexus 5 to be the best cell phone currently on the market? Defiantly not, but for the price of an unlocked device at $349 is might just be the best phone on the market for its price. If you looking for a great smartphone that will do most everything you need and not cost you a fortune, we would defiantly recommend the LG Nexus 5.

LG Nexus 5 Vancouver

Review of the LG Nexus 5

5 Tips on Getting The Most Out of Your Cell Phone Battery Life

With all the new innovation going into smartphones and cell phones these days, the one limitation of them seems to be the life of the batteries used. Most cellphone batteries currently last the user a day at best, with normal use. This constant need to be attached to the wall charger, or use a heavy-duty battery pack case can be extremely annoying. Although here at Cell Clinic Vancouver we do carry a number of products to extend the life of your battery, we cannot physically make your battery more powerful. We can however offer 5 tips to improve the daily life of your battery on your smartphone or cell phone.

 1. Watch your signal strength

 When you have a low signal strength, your phone is constantly working much harder to find the signal it needs to run the cellular components of your cellphone. If you are more concerned about your battery life than staying connected, consider turning your phone on “airplane mode”. This will cut the connection from your cell phone to the cellular tower, and your battery will not be drained.

 2. Turn the phones brightness down

 It may be nice having that bight and glowing screen at first, but our eyes naturally adjust to brightness levels. What may seem dim at first will slowly adjust to a point where you won’t notice that you have turned it down at all. Now don’t turn it all the way down to a point where you are struggling to see the screen. A nice balance of about half way is enough to significantly improve your battery life, and not make you strain to see your cell phone screen.

 3. Reconsider your choice in a live wallpaper

 If may look really neat but maybe the novelty of a live action wallpaper has worn off. By turning this feature off, you will indeed see an improvement of your battery life.

 4. Close your Apps

 You may or may not know that when you switch from one app to another, the other app is still running in the background. Apps like Google Maps can eat up your battery life in minutes. To prevent this, close down your apps when you are done using them. Every cell phone or smartphone does this differently. On the iPhone simply double tap the home button and swipe up on the app to close it. On some Samsung cellphones there is actually a button on the bottom left of the screen that allows you to open all the apps and manually close them.

 5. See if your cell phone has a “power saving mode”

 Some of the newer cellphones and smartphones have a feature called power saving mode. This will limit the phone down to its primary features such as calling and texting. Do doing so, your cell phone will reduce its usage significantly, and result in an overall longer lasting battery.

 If all these tips fail to improve the daily life of your battery and you still cant make it a full day without charging up the phone, you may need a new battery replacement. Batteries for Samsung Cell Phones can be swapped out easily, but for phones such as the iPhone, you may need to take it into a repair shop like Cell Clinic Vancouver to get the replacement done.


5 Tips on Getting The Most Out of Your Cell Phone Battery Life