Is the iPhone 6 plus too big

It may be time to upgrade your old iPhone and you may be wondering… iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 plus? The decision can be a hard one to make. Both have a bigger screen then that of their predecessors, but the real question most people are asking is “is the iPhone 6 plus too big”.

If your coming from an iPhone 4 or iPhone 4S the screen size difference on these new devices is substantial! The iPhone 6 screen size is 4.7 in. while the iPhone 6 plus is a massive 5.5 in. This is compared to the 3.5 in size of the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4s.

One of the perks of working at cell phone repair store in Vancouver is the ability to try out all latest and greatest phones. The first week I spent with the iPhone 6 I noticed one important thing. This phone is the perfect size! It’s just small enough to grip with 1 hand and still allows you to slide it in and out of your front pocket. It is also large enough to watch movies, play games or whatever else you need to do with it. The repositioned lock button made the iPhone 6 comfortable to hold with 1 hand and operate, and its “double tap home button” feature made everything in thumbs reach. All in this iPhone phone seemed perfect to me in all aspects.

Next I spend a week with the iPhone 6 Plus. Right away I was blown away with the size of this mammoth phone. The same feeling I got moving from the iPhone 4s to the iPhone 6, I got with moving from the 6 to the 6 Plus. No joke, this cell phone is huge! The resolution on this device was superb and every day tasks seemed more exciting. But all that excitement soon started to diminish when the downfalls of the iPhone 6 Plus started to kick in.

My biggest problem with the screen size of the iPhone 6 plus was how much I struggled to use it with one hand. The simple things you take for granted like walking your dog and answering the phone or carrying anything and using your phone went out the window for me. I soon began to realize that this is a 2 handed device and that was that. Once I made this adjustment, the iPhone 6 plus became more enjoyable for me, but I still wanted my iPhone 6 back.

After a week of experimenting with iPhone 6 plus I came to a few conclusions. For me, this device was much too big. As a male, I needed a place to put my phone when I wasn’t using it, and this proved rather difficult. The phone did not fit comfortably in any of my pants pockets, and even if it did, it would look a little awkward. If you are a female this device may work well for you if you keep it in your bag most of the time. Storage problems aside, I still found the size of this screen just a little bit unnecessary. My recommendation to you is to is (if you can) try out the iPhone 6 plus out for a few days before you buy it. You may find it’s just a bit too big for you as I found.

iPhone 6 plus too big

Is the iPhone 6 plus too big

Review of the iPhone 6

Apples new iPhone 6 has arrived, and along with getting everyone talking, it has produced record-breaking sales. Cell Clinic Vancouver has set out to answer the question is the iPhone 6 the best smartphone on the market, and is it much of an improvement over its predecessor, the iPhone 5S.


Apple has included a few new features unique to the iPhone 6. With this new device, Apple is introducing “Apple Pay”. Although Apple Pay is not yet available in Canada, it does appear like this will be a very popular feature and could change the way be pay for everyday things.  Apple has also made some major upgrades to their IOS, but you wont need the new iPhone 6 to take advantage of these features.


With the new iPhone 6 comes a new screen size. At 4.7 inches this screen is slightly larger than the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S, yet it still fits comfortably in your hand. The power button has been relocated to the side of the device, making it easier to operate with the larger screen size. The iPhone 6 also features touch ID and a lightning charging ports, as featured on the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S. Overall the design changes in comparison to the iPhone 5 and 5S are noticeable and an overall improvement, but nonetheless minimal.


The iPhone is typically known for having one of the best cameras in the smartphone market, and the new iPhone 6 is no exception. The iPhone 6 features an 8MP camera that creates some very impressive photographs. The iPhone 6 can also shoot 240fps slow-motion video. This camera is a significant improvement from the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S camera.


Many of you are wondering if with all this hype should you run out an upgrade to the new iPhone 6 from your iPhone 5 or 5S. In our opinion, this is the best smartphone on the market. But in saying this, although the iPhone 6 is an incredible device, and an improvement on its predecessors, it’s not enough to scrap the iPhone 5 or 5S and get this new device.  If you are an Apple user and are currently using an iPhone 4 or iPhone 4S, this may be the time for you to upgrade. The larger screen on the iPhone 6 is very tempting, and moving from a 4 to a 6 you will notice a huge upgrade in overall operating speed and functionally.

Review of the iPhone 6